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K-5 Math Read Alouds
Below is a compiled list of our favorite books to use in the classroom for specific Math topics of instruction. Children's literature helps students connect their knowledge, interests, and experiences to the mathematical content they learning to apply.
We will update this bookshelf each quarter to give you titles that will be relevant to the season and time of year in your classroom.
Welcome to the Zoo by Alison Jay
A wordless book with countless opportunities for discussion and observation. Follow and count along as the humorous tale of some tricky zoo creatures unfolds.
Counting and
Number Sense
The King’s Chessboard
by David Birch
A familiar tale retold with long ago India as the setting. A wise man negotiates a reward for good work that ends up being much greater than what his king intended.
Place Value and Operations
Tangram Cat
by Maranke Rinck
A boy uses his tangram to construct a pet. However, once they decide that the cat needs company, it takes some trial and error to find it the perfect tangram friend.
Mapping Penny's World
by Loreen Leedy
Lisa is assigned a map project, and decides to measure and map the world she encounters every day. This leads her to an exploration and mapping of the world of her beloved friend and pet, Penny.
Picture Pie
by Ed Emberly
Ways to partition a few basic shapes are investigated in this colorful title. The illustrations provide plenty of examples, while encouraging the reader to do partitioning and creating on their own.
Dave's Down To Earth Rock Shop
by Stuart J. Murphy
Science and mathematics learning combine in this MathStart title. Along with rock knowledge, the reader will gain experience with the concepts of classifying and sorting.
Lemonade for Sale
by Stuart J. Murphy
A group of friends decide to start a lemonade stand in this colorful and entertaining tale. Along with their pet parrot, they explore the use of bar graphs as a useful way to keep track of their sales.
Super Sand Castle Saturday
by Stuart J. Murphy
Three friends enter a sand castle contest and using shovels, spoons, and even their own feet, try to determine whose castle is the longest, tallest, and deepest. To their surprise, however, the lifeguard using the tape measure comes up with some different-and more exact-results.