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K-5 Math Read Alouds

Below is  a compiled list of our favorite books to use in the classroom for specific Math topics of instruction.  Children's literature helps students  connect their knowledge, interests, and experiences to the mathematical content they learning  to apply.

We will update this bookshelf each quarter to give you titles that will be relevant to the season and time of year in your classroom.


Caps for Sale 
by Esphyr Slobodkina

A peddler works at selling his caps and outwitting the monkeys in this classic tale. Readers will be encouraged to explore colors, patterns,  and counting.


Counting and

Number Sense


Even Steven and
Odd Todd

by Kathryn Cristaldi

Even Steven and Odd Todd are cousins who can’t understand each other’s predilection for certain types of numbers. Basic number concepts and relationships are presented in a way that even younger readers will enjoy.


Place Value and Operations


The Greedy Triangle

by Marilyn Burns

Triangle is dissatisfied with his characteristics, so he decides to visit a Shape Shifter. As he goes from a polygon with three angles to one with many angles, he discovers that it’s best to be yourself.



Millions to Measure
by David Schwartz

In this world there are both millions of things to measure and millions of ways to measure them. The text and detailed illustrations combine to form an interesting and detailed exploration of measurement.




If You Were a Fraction

by Trisha Speed Shaskan

This title examines what it means to be a fraction. From a basic definition to some unique perspectives, a solid framework for understanding and application is truly presented.



Balloons Over Broadway

by Melissa Sweet

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the genius behind the giant balloons is the focus of this book. An entertaining tale rich in historical fact, it bridges all areas of STEAM.




How Big Could Your Pumpkin Be?

by Wendell Minor

Famous landmarks and multiple synonyms for “big,” makes measuring pumpkins engaging. Social Studies, vocabulary, and measurement comparisons could all be introduced and discussed. 



How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

by Margaret McNamara

Mr. Tiffin arrives at school with three pumpkins that he expects his students to use to explore size, skip counting, and estimation. A perfect title to use during October or November for math and science integration. 



One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims

by B.G. Henessey

As preparation for the Thanksgiving celebration begins, the Pilgrim and Wampanoag children are hard at work.  Both groups of children, along with the ten big turkeys, are counted.



Milly and the Macy's Parade
by Shana Corey

Milly, with the help of her father and a certain Mr. Macy, devises a plan to help alleviate the homesickness of her fellow immigrants. Part fact and part fiction, this book allows for the integration of social studies, math, and science.



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